We’re all in this together. And your communication — the content as well as the tone — can have great influence on how well you and your associates move through the changes that are disrupting our lives and our businesses in this time of coronavirus threat.

The Activ Consulting Group is here to help. Email us your questions, your challenges, and let us help you navigate the change that has been thrust upon you.

Effective communication can help you:

  1. Preserve employee engagement while they are working remotely OR while they are coming to work under unusual circumstances.
  2. Ensure customer loyalty during and beyond this national emergency.
  3. Communicate to all your audiences what they need to know and what they need to do at this time and going forward.
  4. Reduce confusion and uncertainty.
  5. Reassure your audiences that you care about what they care about — their safety, their jobs, their peace of mind.

As your organization/business makes decisions going forward, let us know how we can help communicate those.

In the event of necessary workforce reductions, know that we have experience in handling that difficult messaging in the most sensitive way possible.

And as your organization may face staffing reductions — due to illness or layoffs — we can provide the extra hands you may need to manage through this crisis.

We are here to serve you. And, we are discounting our usual fees for non-profit organizations and small businesses, which we especially want to support at this time. Let us hear from you. And be well.